New Volunteer-Alan Clyne
Dear Family and Friends,
I pray this letter finds you well. As most of you know, I recently retired from the military. On that day, a whitehaired man approached me and asked if I was ready to go to work for real? My head silently responded; “I thought this was real work.” My heart knew what was to happen next. So to work I go…
I have chosen to support a global ministry called World Mission Builders (WMB). I was first introduced to their works in in Oct 2011 on a trip to Honduras to build a church in a small mountain village. This 14 day journey made an impact that has changed my life. It was not the building, nor the challenge. It was not the food, or the sites. It was the people, Gods Church, just average everyday people from all over with a love for Jesus and a passion to serve God. One such person was a small Honduran boy who showed up to work when he could. His smile was respectful, his motives innocent, his spirit curious and his hands willing. I think he must have been 12 years old. He showed up each night for singing and teaching in the dim lit unfinished building as it went up, and on the night of the dedication of a finished and bright new building, that same boy grabbed my hand when the preacher had an invitation for baptism. The young man was baptized in Christ that night. My eyes still swell up realizing that was what it’s all about.
The Man who showed up at my retirement is an amazing servant and has witnessed that story over 300 times in over 88 different countries, The founder of WMB has joined forces with another wonderful group of people; Church Growth Ministries, who do the same work right here in the US and Mexico. I recently joined them on mission to build church cabins for a church camp in western Illinois. In a short ten day period the team built seven 1500 square foot cabins by erecting over 700 liner foot of walls, driving over 600 pounds of nails, setting 250 roof trusses, and covering them with over 400 sheets of plywood and 17000 pounds of metal roof. The team also installed 70 windows, 14 doors and covered it with 7000 square feet of siding. Inside over 5000 feet of electrical wire and hundreds of fixtures were installed. The Data, as overwhelming as it is, is only a testament of the realm of the possible. But what is really impressive is the people, over 45 of Gods servants showed up from all over the nation and locally to build. (Did I mention the average age was 65?) On the last two days I found myself working with a young boy who would represent the thousands of children who would fill those cabins and hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
So as I step off to use the gifts God has given me, I have some requests: One, Pray for me and for work that will be done through World Mission builders and Church Growth Ministries. Two, remember it’s not about the building it’s about the people who fill it and witness Christs love. Three: Give where you can. On the following page is my schedule and how you can help.
In Christ, Alan Clyne