WMB Volunteers, Correction for previous blog: Tom & Betty Amos were at the Oblong (IL) Children’s Christian Home Project. Sorry!! Our next big project is just around the corner — September 16 (Friday) – September 29th. Please note that this project starts on a Friday, September 16th. We will be arriving on Thursday and will have an evening meal of soup and sandwiches available at 6 pm on Thursday the 15th. This promises to be a very interesting and fun project consisting of building 7 cabins at the same time. In some ways it will be a lot easier compared to the small size of the cabins to what we normally build. We will be dividing up in teams and see what happens. Roger Simpson arrived (along with his equipment) early this week to do the demolition. He was interviewed by two TV stations and shared his testimony!! Thank you Roger!! Rick Balmer & the camp leaders are doing an awesome job in getting ready. Rick has taken two loads of scrap metal in for $$, selling some of the trees that have to be removed. Saved 80+ windows for Mexico projects. Said “We’re using every part of the pig but the squeal.” The cement crew are pouring 7 slabs as we speak. Dianne Balmer is in charge of housing and hospitality. If you’d like to be on this project please contact Dianne. Her email & phone (309)333-5845. Also she is heading up the rufflers department. Rufflers Dept: Dianne says: The Rufflers will be in action at the camp project. There will be 2 machines and 2 sergers available to share but anyone who has a portable machine should bring it. We have some fabric, but would welcome donations of any fabric that is suitable for dresses, shorts or small blankets. We will also need a good apply of 3/4″ and/or 1″ elastic. If everyone could bring some that would be helpful. The work area will be set up and anyone is welcome to join us. Those staying in provided housing at the camp ground PLEASE bring twin sheets, towels, and wash cloths. Those committed thus far: Tom & Betty Amos Ronnie & Barb Schmidt RV Bruce Smith There is a good laundry facility 8 miles away in Carthage, (IL). There is internet service at the camp. Charlie & Missy Ferguson plan to prepare homemade ice cream twice a day!! The camp address is 2760 East County Road 1600, Tennessee, IL 62374. Directions: Take N 2750 North to E 1600 and turn left. Camp is on the right. OR you can take 2700 N Road. It is paved and is probably a better choice especially for those pulling or driving larger vehicles. It is well marked with a big brown highway sign and is about 5 miles east of Carthage. Dedication of Campus Student Campus House Chapel, Macomb, IL, has been schedule for Sunday evening September 18th. This is the chapel we built on the campus of Western Illinois University last year!! Entertainment: Dianne’s Friend Craig Rigg and his Barbershop Quartet will be with us on Wednesday, September 21. In His Service, Joe & Fae Wilson P.S. 4) Dates being adjusted to November 4-17, 2016 — Racine (MO) Christian Church Bob Mitchell, a long time WMB volunteer and the fine folk at the Racine Christian Church, have invited us to frame up the inside of a new youth facility metal building. We will be working inside. Please put this on your calendar now and make plans to participate. |