WMB Volunteers,

NEWS NOTE:  The Hazleton project of building a new 4800 sq. ft house has been downsized to remodeling an existing rent house.  The reason is the wild fires noted on national news impacted many of the donors for the Boys Ranch project.  Please read the letter from Michael Simpson.

NEWS NOTE #2:  The dates for the Racine, MO project have been adjusted to November 4-17.  The reason is to avoid Halloween and starting on a Friday to give the “locals” a chance to work on the project.

Here is an email from Michael Simpson, President of Freedom Gates Boys Ranch in Hazleton, KS.  He writes:

“First, Thank you for your ministry of building homes for those in need.  World Mission Builders has changed more lives than you will know.

As you may know, our community has suffered a great loss with the Anderson Creek Fire.  Being the largest fire in Kansas history, there has been a tremendous financial burden in our community.  The fire was located in Woods County Oklahoma, Comanche County Kansas, and the majority was in Barber County Kansas.  Over 600 square miles were burned including over 1000 hay bales, hundreds of cattle, and hundreds of miles of fence.  Praise God there were no injuries or fatalities with the emergency services or victims of the fire.

With the majority of the support of Freedom Gates Boys Ranch coming from our community farmers and ranchers, and with the millions of dollars in repairs needed in our community, we have found ourselves unable to financially afford to build our residence as planned.  However, God always has a plan.  We have been given an amazing opportunity to remodel a house and be able to start ministering to young men as soon as August.

What this house needs is the garage turned into 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, and some minor remodeling to the rest of the house.  If World Mission Builders would be willing to shift the project and keep the date of June 6, we will have plans and materials ready to build.

I again apologize for this change in plans, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.”

Thank you,

Michael Simpson
Freedom Gates Boys Ranch
office 620-230-4031

The Kiowa/Hazelton projects are going to be good ones — Hazleton is 6 miles north of Kiowa.  Breakfast will be at Kiowa, noon meal will be at both Hazleton and Kiowa, evening meal will be at Kiowa.  We will have RV parking in Hazleton near the project, and we will have RV parking for 4 or 5 units on the north side of the old hospital where we will be working.  The hospitality crew in Kiowa and Hazleton is doing a good job and will be ready for us. Housing in homes is available.  Please text or call Fae (580)242-0561, email

The ones signed up are:  Fred & Evelyn Sellers, David Wilson, Bob Mitchell, Elias Roelfsema, David Jordan, Bruce Smith, David & Deanna Fink, John & Ruth Williams, Rich & Ginger Pautsch + grandson, Tom & Betty Amos, Ken & Nan Scott, John Ridgely, Tom Harper, Gary Heddrick + 1 or 2 more, George Link (the above need housing), Rick & Dianne Balmer (RV), Don & Addie Petersen (RV), Joe & Roberta Smith (RV), Curt & Sue Wynn (RV), Don Allen (RV), Ronnie & Barbara Schmidt (RV) and Joe & Fae Wilson (RV)

If you are not on the list above and plan to be on the Kiowa/Hazelton Projects, please text or call Fae (580)242-0561 or email

Our next projects are:

1)  June 6-17, 2016 — Kiowa, KS/ Hazelton, KS

Roger Simpson, our WMB crane operator, has passed our name along and we have been invited to: 

a) Build a kitchen inside the old hospital facility which has been converted to an unwed Mothers’ home- Project Pink. This will be inside with air conditioning.  

b)  Do remodeling on the blue home and garage on the Freedom Gates Boys’ Ranch (FGBR) Hazelton, KS. (6 Miles North of Kiowa, KS). The current plan is to do both of these the same time.  I have visited these projects three times.  Have met a lot of really nice people.  They will take excellent care of us — meals, housing, & RV’s.  This promises to be a fun and rewarding project.

3)  September 16-27, 2016 — LaMoine Christian Service Camp close to Carthage, IL

This project is to build additions on to seven dorm cabins. The camp has a lot of very nice facilities for RV parking, housing, and meals. Rick & Dianne Balmer are working on the arrangements for this project.

4)  Dates being adjusted to November 4-17, 2016 — Racine (MO) Christian Church

Bob Mitchell, a long time WMB volunteer and the fine folk at the Racine Christian Church, have invited us to frame up the inside of a new youth facility metal building.  We will be working inside.  

This is an ambitious schedule for the year of 2016 and we have several other projects pending for 2017.  Each of you are need and appreciated.  It takes a team to pull these projects off to the Glory of God.

Please put these on your calendar now and make plans to participate.

Please let us know of your tentative plans to attend the June project in Kiowa, KS and the others when possible. You may text or call Fae at (580)242-0561 or email:

In His Service,

Joe & Fae Wilson
Domestic Coordinator of World Mission Builders